
템플릿 – Article With Gallery

Evolution of Media in Roman Empire

The word communication is derived from the Latin root communicare. This was due to the Roman Empire also devising what might be described as a mail or postal system, in order to centralize control of the empire from Rome. This allowed for personal letters and for Rome to gather knowledge about events in its many widespread provinces. More advanced postal systems later appeared in the Islamic Caliphate and the Mongol Empire during the Middle Ages.


상호 : (사)한국소비자중심기업협회

대표자: 조항목

사업자번호: 211-82-08364

통신판매업신고: 제2021-서울송파-2791호

주소: 서울시 송파구 송파대로 167, 문정역테라타워 1차 B동 822호

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