
템플릿 – Full Startup Page Layout

Visual Composer Parallax Effect

Visual Composer Parallax effect background allows creating simple and beautiful parallax effects for your WordPress website in seconds. Simply choose an image you want to use in your background and select parallax style.

Parallax Styles

Select from different parallax effect styles that come pre-packed with your Visual Composer package.

One Click Option

It takes one click only to add a parallax effect to your WordPress website. No more codes and tons of settings – with Visual Composer it is hassle free.

Parallax Speed

Control parallax effect speed with simple input control to adapt the speed to fit your content and layout perfectly.

Modern Websites

99% of all modern websites now have parallax effect, make sure you don’t fall behind. It is really easy to create a trendy website with Visual Composer.

All-in-One Parallax Effect

Visual Composer lets you combine several images to create an advanced parallax effect. Experience the easiest parallax for WordPress ever made.

How to Add Parallax Effect?

Navigate to the row settings where you would like to apply parallax effect and choose ‘Edit’.

Select parallax style you want to use from the drop-down menu in the row settings window.

Select image from your Media Library that you want to use in your parallax effect and ‘Save’ changes.


상호 : (사)한국소비자중심기업협회

대표자: 조항목

사업자번호: 211-82-08364

통신판매업신고: 제2021-서울송파-2791호

주소: 서울시 송파구 송파대로 167, 문정역테라타워 1차 B동 822호

TEL : 02-3463-9400

E-mail : ocapedu@ocap.kr
